• 佛界动态

    Nanhai Buddhism Academy

    为民祈福 消除纷争 柬埔寨国王与印顺大和尚缔结传奇法谊

  • 来源:南海佛学院时间:2022-12-10浏览:






    Let us rely on the power of our common vow to worship the Buddha, to make the Buddhist communities of China and Cambodia can share the same origin of Buddhism and connect our hearts and hands. The Buddhist community in South China Sea will unite to contribute  Buddhist wisdom to a community with a shared future for mankind, and demonstrate great love and responsibility.


    Looking back at the Buddhist friendship between China and Cambodia, there have been numerous meaningful events in recent years——





    The South China Sea is a sea of culture, a sea of faith, and a sea of friendship. Here is a record of Kangtai's mission to Phnom, Faxian's return from Sri Lanka across the sea, Jianzhen's eastward crossing to Japan, Kukai's overseas study in China, Yijing's travels to more than 30 countries, and Zhenhe’s seven voyages across the Indian Oceans. For thousands of years, the vast sky and bright moon, and the journey of the vast sea have made this ocean shine with the distant and beautiful memories of the countries in the South China Sea. It is also this Maritime Silk Road, flowing with the people's best friendship.





    In 2016, the Nanhai Buddhism Shenzhen Roundtable was held for the first time in Shenzhen, Guangdong. Six sessions have been successfully held so far. Over the past six years, the Roundtable has been committed to building consensus among Buddhist countries and regions in the Pan-South China Sea region, creating an international platform for Buddhist exchanges and cooperation, and conveying the belief of peace and compassion. Efforts will be made to seek the well-being of the people and promote the exchange and development of civilizations in the Pan-South China Sea region. As well as the people's bond of heart and sharing the achievements of civilization, it has become one of the highlights of Chinese Buddhism.




    凡心所向,一苇以航。2022年,南海佛教深圳圆桌会将以 “新希望新愿景,同心共建新未来”为主题,进一步为促进南海地区佛教交流互鉴,共同维护南海地区和平,讲好中国宗教故事,传递中国佛教好声音而努力,为推动人类命运共同体的实现贡献宗教智慧。圆桌会还坚持“请进来”、“走出去”,更加国际化,将首次走出国⻔赴柬埔寨金边举办“2022年南海佛教深圳圆桌会”系列活动。

    Wherever the heart yearns for, even if there is only a small boat, we must sail forward. In 2022, The Nanhai Buddhism Shenzhen Roundtable will focus on the theme of "New Hope, New Vision, Building a New Future Together", to further promote Buddhist exchanges and mutual learning in the South China Sea region, and jointly maintain regional peace. On this basis, use good Chinese religious stories to convey the voice of Chinese Buddhism and contribute religious wisdom to promoting the realization of a community with a shared future for mankind.





















    编审 | 顿漪

    排版 | 顿薇

    编辑 | 妙明

    翻译 | 顿华法师 林凤

    剪辑 | 浣一平

    摄影 | 石轩宇